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Assessment of electricity network investment for the integration of high RES shares : a Spanish-like case study

L. Herding, R. Cossent, M. Rivier, J.P. Chaves, T. Gómez

Sustainable Energy, Grids and Networks Vol. 28, pp. 100561-1 - 100561-14


In the course of the energy transition, the EU member states’ National Energy and Climate Plans seek to install significant amounts of intermittent renewable generation capacity over this decade. Previous studies underline the social, political, and economic benefits of the electricity sector decarbonisation. The economic analysis of renewable energy sources (RES) integration is commonly performed with single-bus generation expansion models that seek the cost-optimal expansion of RES generation capacity to reduce operational expenses. However, electricity grids will require investments to adapt to the integration of high amounts of RES capacity. This paper contrasts the cost-optimal generation capacity mix obtained from a single-bus expansion model with a conservative estimation of electricity network investment requirements for an exemplary Spanish-like case study. RES network investment costs are put in context with an alternative non-RES generation expansion pathway. Network investment costs considered include expansion costs for both transmission and distribution grids. Electricity network expansion costs represent 6 to 10% of the corresponding generation capacity investment. Despite increasing network investment costs, the integration of high RES shares into electricity grids reduces operating costs when compared to non-RES pathways. Fuel and emission savings exceed total investments (generation capacity, network expansion, and connection costs).

Spanish layman's summary:

Este estudio evalúa si los costes de red adicionales superan los beneficios de integrar generación renovable. Los resultados muestran que los costes de red no superan el 6-10% del coste de inversión en renovables, y que la integración de renovables reduce significativamente los costes totales del sistema.


English layman's summary:

This case study analyses the order of magnitude of costs for integrating high RES shares into electricity grids. Incremental grid investments are found to represent only 6-10% of RES investment costs and allow to significantly reduce total system costs (investment + operation).

Keywords: Power sector decarbonisation; Electricity network costs; Renewable energy sources

JCR Impact Factor and WoS quartile: 5,405 - Q1 (2021); 4,800 - Q1 (2023)

DOI reference: DOI icon https://doi.org/10.1016/j.segan.2021.100561

Published on paper: December 2021.

Published on-line: November 2021.

L. Herding, R. Cossent, M. Rivier, J.P. Chaves, T. Gómez, Assessment of electricity network investment for the integration of high RES shares : a Spanish-like case study. Sustainable Energy, Grids and Networks. Vol. 28, pp. 100561-1 - 100561-14, December 2021. [Online: November 2021]

    Research topics:
  • Green energy integration
  • Generation and transmission planning co-optimization
  • Long-term energy scenarios

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